Bullfrog's Billabong - Character cards

Bullfrog's Billabong - Character cards support use of other resources in the Bullfrog's Billabong suite, including the estory, and the interactive covered cloze activity. The Bullfrog's Billabong characters are presented with singular and plural labels. The cards can be displayed in the classroom and used by the children as a reference for writing. They can …


Bullfrog’s Billabong – Character cards support use of other resources in the Bullfrog’s Billabong suite, including the estory, and the interactive covered cloze activity.

The Bullfrog’s Billabong characters are presented with singular and plural labels. The cards can be displayed in the classroom and used by the children as a reference for writing. They can also be used to explain different ways of pluralisation; for example pelicans, fish, platypuses.

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