Which egg is mine?

Which egg is mine? is an interactive digital resource to use on the interactive whiteboard. It can be used with any number of players and any amount of time. The game helps to develop logical thinking and descriptive mathematical language such as size, shape, colour and pattern. The game can be used independently or as …


Which egg is mine? is an interactive digital resource to use on the interactive whiteboard. It can be used with any number of players and any amount of time.

The game helps to develop logical thinking and descriptive mathematical language such as size, shape, colour and pattern.

The game can be used independently or as a follow up to the interactive digital story Dragona’s Lost Egg.

The Egg cards (available in Resources) can be used to play the game independent of the interactive white board. (Refer to information included with the cards for additional suggestions.)

This is just one of over 300 resources available to readilearn subscribers. If you are logged in, scroll down to access the resource.

Note: While this interactive digital story may be viewed on mobile devices, functionality is optimised when accessed on a computer.

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